Are you looking for Extra Income ?
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 24 seconds.
Market Me Global Team has an Opportunity to offer to Self-Motivated Individuals looking to add an Extra Asset to their Sources of income.
We Currently Run a Program for Extra Income that you can take Action :
Program | Reselling One of the Easiest Website Development Platform The MMG Multi-Page
That's Right! If you are a Self-Motivated Sales Person, Have a lot of Friends that are in need of Developing a Website for their Business or Services, Looking to make an Extra Side Income, and Build your MSI ( Multiple Sources of Income ) Streams then what you read now Resonates to you.
How does the Program Works?
As a Market Me Global Affiliate Sales Person, You will get a Free Training Session on the Platform itself. Moreover you will have the Platform so you can use it to promote to your potential Clients. Once you find a Client looking to build a website, MMG Team will provide you a New Platform so you can Either Manage your Clients or Outsource to MMG Team.
How do i get paid?
You will get 30% of the Selling Price Currently at 249 Per Year. Unless you will offer additional Services to your Client, then you will have the opportunity to increase your Additional Sources of Income even More.
Can My Client Do the Website Themselves and use the Platform?
Yes of course! You can even Train Your Clients and Charge them as you please or offer it for free.
Can i Charge my Clients Separately?
You are the Reseller of Market Me Global Platform. However, You Do as you Please with your Clients. Should you wish to charge them additionally for Graphic Design works, Automations, etc. You can Do that as you please.
We also offer Outsourcing Services, If you prefer to outsource parts of your projects with Market Me Global also possible. Additionally, for every closed Project you will Receive 30% from the Closed Sale, Once Deliverables have been met to utmost client satisfaction and Paid in full.
Do i get a Salary?
There is no Salary. However you will get Free Training, Access to the Platform for 3 Months ( Subject to availability ) So you can use it as a tool to promote to your potential Clients and can in Minutes Build Samples for your Potential Clients. We can Provide Unlimited Platforms so the Sky is the Limit.
Should you prefer to get a platform for yourself and use it for more than 3 Months, MMG Will Provide you the Platform at a Discounted Rate 30% So you have the Platform at 174.30 Per Year Discounted from 249!
How many hours of training do i get?
Training is Ranging from 1 to max 3 hours. It should be more than enough as it's a very easy platform. Moreover it needs to be communicated by MMG Team and Scheduled.
What are the Requirements to become a MMG Reseller?
Send us an email at [email protected] with the Subject " I want to become a MMG Reseller " and one of our Team will get in touch with you. We will have to make a Quick Interview to understand your Knowledge if you are Eligible and then we will Schedule our Next Training Session on the Platform.
What are you Waiting for? Let's Make It Happen! Contact us Today and Start your Entrepreneurship Journey!